
Sunday, October 24, 2010

And here we are again

Haha, now did I say I got a job? Well I just got laid off from Killspace. Times are tough I guess. I don't want to get too into it but I LOVED my time there working with some of the best guys I've ever known. We created a team that worked so well together without bullshit, it was amazing.
 The fight ahead of me isn't if or when I'll find a new gig but rather it's keeping myself pumped and inspired to jobhunt. I promise I wont lose steam like I did 2 years ago and fall into a funk.

Best wishes to everyone


  1. Sorry to hear that man.
    Best of luck on the job hunt!

  2. good luck with everything man!

  3. Best of luck Kevin. By the way, is that your work on the last couple of White Dwarf covers (ie the Bretonnian fighting the Slanneshi daemon and Hunter Captain Korhil two issues before that)?

  4. Just an fyi you got mentioned on art order. Gratz!

    Heres the link:
